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Science Backed Support of MSM and Silica for Skin, Nails and Hair

Posted by Admin abvitamin vào lúc 13/08/2021

May Improve Skin Health by Strengthening the Protein Keratin

The substance that acts as the main structural component in your hair, skin and nails is a protein known as keratin.

It contains high levels of cysteine, a sulfur-containing amino acid. That’s why burnt hair gives a sulfurous smell.

MSM may be helpful for skin health by acting as a sulfur donor to the protein keratin. This, then can help strengthen this critical protein.

MSM also helps bring down inflammation, which can inflict damage to skin cells and bring about signs of premature aging like wrinkles (1 NIH article).

It may even relieve symptoms of chronic skin conditions such as rosacea, which causes redness, irritation and inflammation of the skin.

One study shows, when applied to the skin, MSM greatly improved redness, itching, inflammation, hydration and skin color in individuals with rosacea (2 NIH article).

How silica improves your hair

To determine how silica facilitates your hair growth, start at the root — very literally. It’s been found to convey essential nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles, as shown in a 2016 research review

And while silica hasn’t been known to reverse hair loss, it might help prevent hair breakage. One 2007 study that involved 48 women with fine hair determined that their hair strands were became stronger after taking 10 mg of silicon for 9 months.

How to take on silica

It can be difficult to get enough silica in their diet. That’s because it doesn’t accumulate in the body. Instead, it gets eliminated by your kidneys.

The very same 2016 review determined that taking vitamins and supplements is one of the optimal ways the body can retain silica. Silica supplements often come from the bamboo or the horsetail plant (Equisetum arvense).

You can consume these herbs in supplement or tincture (extract) form. Another method of consumption often used is using dried herbs to make tea. Some people will even steep horsetail in hot water, then add it to their shampoo.

Other rewards of silica

There’s a very good reason silica is referred to as the “beauty mineral.”

In one 2005 study, 50 women with sun-harmed skin saw many positive improvements in their hair, skin, and nails after taking a silicon supplement for 20 weeks.

Youthful, firm skin

Silica also actively promotes the production of collagen. This is your body’s most abundant protein.

The 2005 study determined how silica improved the women’s sun-harmed skin. After the women took 10 mg of silica daily, their skin’s rough surface was improved.

Collagen is vital in helping your skin keep its youthfulness by having it stay firm and elastic. It also reduces the prevalence of fine lines and wrinkles.

Since the production of collagen decreases as we age, according to a 2014 study, silica is absolutely important to collagen creation.

Strong nails

Silica also brings benefits to your nails by delivering orthosilicic acid, which is one of the compounds in silica.

In the 2005 study mentioned before, orthosilicic acid had an improving effect on the brittleness of nails.

See about the MSM and Silica benefits you can achieve by ordering Solgar Skin, Nails & Hair today!





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