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5 Moves to Boost Your Testosterone

Posted by Admin abvitamin vào lúc 20/05/2021

The workouts you need to build up your manpower

Testosterone is a wonderful thing. Not only does it fuel muscle growth and strengthen bones, it’s also been tied to improving cardiovascular health in menincreasing mental function and boosting sex drive. Naturally, it’s something most men need more of, especially if you're serious about your gains.

(Related: 10 foods guaranteed to boost testosterone)

So, how do you go about getting more testosterone? Well, it’s simple, head to the gym.

Scientists from the University of Southern California identified changes in testosterone levels before and after resistance training, and discovered that weightlifting is guaranteed to provide an boost in testosteroneYes, you read that right. Guaranteed. However, these increases in testosterone only occur when performing certain moves.

Conveniently, we have these moves. Continue reading for a quintet of lifts designed to put a manly spring in your step.

1. Squats

Sometimes called “the king of exercises”, the barbell squat is a compound move, using your whole body to project the weight upwards. No exercise feels more primal (except maybe the deadlift).

A study performed by the University of Texas found out that performing squats creates more testosterone and growth hormone than a similar session on the leg press. Although the participants lifted more weight on the leg press, their fatigue was 42% higher after the squats. Have you been skipping leg day? For the ultimate testosterone booster, grab a rack and strap in for some real exhaustion.

2. The clean and press

The aim in increasing testosterone is to recruit as much muscle fibers as possible during your workout. Isolation moves like the bicep curl won’t cut it: you need complex movements using lots of muscle groups if you want to boost your manpower.

The clean and press lift hits legs, core, forearms, back, arms and shoulders in one move. However, this is an advanced technique. It is better for beginners to stick to the basics of squats, deadlifts and so on before progressing to the clean. But, for the intermediate lifter looking to step up their game, the hang clean is ready and waiting.

3. Deadlifts

The deadlift is a classic multi-jointed exercise that exercises the biggest muscle groups in your body, perfect for pumping out more testosterone. The Journal of Strength of Conditioning Research found a significant testosterone increase in college-age men after performing heavy deadlifts.

There are many deadlift versions, most designed to focus on certain muscle groups more specifically, but for starters it’s best to go with the regular “standard” deadlift to recruit muscles all over the body. You'll get massive legs, back and forearms as a bonus.

4. Military press


At first glance, the military press simply works shoulders and arms, leaving the rest of your body relatively untouched. But take another look. To keep yourself upright and stable in such a very unbalanced position, your core muscles, obliques and lower back muscles are working extra hard, especially if you do the reps slowly.

Even though it might not look like it, you’re activating muscle from all over. An ideal testosterone making machine.

5. Pull-up


Want the best upper-body move in your arsenal? Focus on old-school calisthenics. While chin-ups with your palms facing towards you mainly work your biceps, an overhand pull-up, with the correct form, is exercising your arms, shoulders, back, and core.

The great thing about the pull-up is it can be done anywhere with an overhead bar. Install one in a doorframe at your home and rip out a set every time you’re feeling low.

The University of Western Australia found that men with high testosterone are three times less likely to suffer from depression, which means you should have a big smile by the final rep.

While you are boosting testosterone by these workouts, you can also boost testosterone by making sure you are getting enough zinc. Order some zinc citrate by Solgar at the link below today!





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