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5 Foods for a Strong Immune System

Posted by Admin abvitamin vào lúc 20/05/2021

We have always been told: To avoid sickness, avoid dehydration, get good restful sleep / avoid too much stress, and wash your hands thoroughly.  However, there is more you can do – here are five foods that strengthen your immune system!

For an Immune Boosting Diet – Consider the Following


1. Pomegranates: They involve a lot of deconstructing to eat, but this fruit is full of vitamin C and powerful antioxidants.  Furthermore, they help to prevent oxidation of LDL cholesterol, and help important nitric oxide production as well as potentially reversing atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). High in fiber, pomegranates help to support good cholesterol and blood sugar levels, also helping fight the spread of prostate cancer.

2. Garlic: Very aromatic and a cousin of the onion, this superfood comes with several amazing compounds – such as allicin that have antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties. These compounds will boost your immunity during the cold and flu season. Furthermore, garlic thins the blood naturally, helps to lower bad cholesterol numbers and improves blood pressure.  Garlic may also protect arteries from hardening.


3.Onions: Always popular in recipes but did you know they are packed with immune-boosting nutrition like selenium, sulfur compounds, vitamin C and zinc?  As a bonus, they are high in quercetin, which is a powerful flavonoid and antioxidant that has antiviral properties as well as acting as a natural antihistamine.  For the heart, they provide a multitude of benefits.  The quercetin helps prevent LDL cholesterol oxidation, as well as assist in relaxation of vascular smooth muscle tissue, prevent formation of clots and help regulate healthy blood sugar.


4. Ginger: With so many benefits, one must always have this root on hand. Incredibly useful to boost the immune system, ginger has antibacterial properties to reduce strain on the immune system and relieve nausea and upset stomach. Ginger naturally thins the blood and has gingerol, known as a phenolic anti-inflammatory compound that may help in relaxing blood vessels.



5. Broccoli: Some people love it, some intensely dislike it, but the cruciferous vegetable known as broccoli is one of the most nutrient dense foods on Earth.  Here is the list of benefits: vitamin K, vitamin E, potassium, chromium, magnesium and folic acid.  Bonus: broccoli is loaded with immune-boosting vitamin C.  Within broccoli are the compounds sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol that exhibit anti-cancer properties.  Sulforaphane also switches on your body’s ability to produce free radical fighting antioxidants.

You’ll see big health benefits if you include these foods in your diet as much as possible.  Here are some great immune-boosting recipes:

Recipes to Boost Your Immune System

Immune-Boosting Flu Destroyer

This is one of my family's favorite immune-boosting remedies. The ginger-cayenne combination helps to warm your body by increasing blood flow. You can drink it when you are feeling under the weather, or as a preventative measure to keep your immune system primed when everyone else around you is sick.

The combination of cayenne and ginger helps to warm up your body by enhancing blood flow. If you begin feeling sick, have this drink to help speed recovery.  Or use it to prevent getting sick by having your immune system in top shape and ready to do its job.

  • 1 organic apple
  • 1-2 organic lemons
  • 4 organic oranges
  • 1 2-inch piece of fresh ginger
  • 1 Tbsp. honey (raw, unpasteurized if available)
  • 1/8 tsp. turmeric powder (optional)
  • Pinch of cayenne pepper (optional)
  • 1 cup filtered water

There are two ways to prepare the Flu Destroyer:

1. If you have a juice extractor, juice the apple and ginger together. Then, freshly squeeze the lemons and oranges. Combine all the contents (juice from apple/ginger, and juice from oranges/lemons, honey, turmeric, and pinch of cayenne) into a mug and add some boiling water to taste.

2. If you have a Vitamix® or Blendtec® blender, blend the apple, ginger, and one cup of hot water on high for 20 seconds. Then, strain the fiber using a fine stainless steel strainer or cheesecloth. Combine the liquid contents from the blender with freshly squeezed lemons and oranges, honey, turmeric, and cayenne. If you choose, you can warm it up on the stove to your desired temperature.

Makes 4 servings.

Nutrition Facts (per serving): Calories 95, Fat .3 g, Carbs 25 g, Fiber 1 g, Protein 1 g

Garlic and Ginger Immune Booster

This remedy is recommended for those people who love the taste of garlic! It works great when you begin to develop a scratchy throat, mild chills, and sinus congestion. The ginger and garlic help warm your core body temperature, and all of the ingredients boost your immune system to help you ward off the common cold. If you’re adventurous and love everything that garlic has to offer, when you have finished drinking the liquidyou can add more honey and stir the cut garlic and ginger together and eat the leftover pieces with a spoon. With the addition of honey, the garlic actually goes down easily.

If you love garlic, you’ll love using this remedy! As soon as you start feeling a scratchy throat, mild chills and sinus stuffiness – start drinking this one!  The garlic plus ginger warms up your body core temperature, and work with the other ingredients to fend off the common cold.

  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1, 1-inch piece of fresh ginger
  • ½ organic lemon
  • 1-2 tsp of honey (raw, unpasteurized if possible)

Finely chop the garlic clove and the piece of ginger and put into a mug. Squeeze in the lemon half and pour in 1 cup boiling water. Stir in 1-2 tsp of honey to desired sweetness. Cover and let sit until it is cool enough to drink (roughly 10 minutes).

Makes 1 serving.

Nutrition Facts (per serving): Calories 30, Fat 0 g, Carbs 25 g, Fiber 9 g, Protein .3 g

Lemon, Ginger, Honey Immune-Boosting Remedy

This is a wonderful immune-boosting remedy to make during the fall and winter season. It takes about five minutes to prepare, and you can store it in your refrigerator for up to three weeks. When you feel a scratchy throat coming on, add two tablespoons of this remedy to your nighttime tea. It is delicious, and it helps to boost your immune system by supplying vitamin C, antioxidants, and antibacterial compounds.

  • 2 organic lemons
  • 2, 3-inch pieces of fresh ginger
  • Honey (raw, unpasteurized if available)

Thinly slice lemons and ginger, and mix together. Add to a 12 oz. mason jar, and use a spoon to compress the contents toward bottom of jar. Add honey until the level reaches the top of jar, and shake vigorously to mix the lemon juice and honey together. Store in the refrigerator for up to three weeks. To serve, add 2 tablespoons to your favorite tea blend, or simply add it to hot water. After a couple of uses, I recommend topping off the mixture by adding additional freshly squeezed lemon juice and honey to help prevent spoilage.

Makes about 8 servings.

To further strengthen your immune system alongside these recipes, order these supplements today!



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