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How to Beat Joint Pain? Here are 5 Ways

Posted by Admin abvitamin vào lúc 20/05/2021

If you start to feel regular pain in your knee, elbow, wrist or hip it could be a sign of the early stages of some form of joint arthritis. The good news is that you can beat joint pain, the bad news is that so many of us don’t understand joint pain that we rely on the wrong treatments. If you don’t have proper treatment for your pain, discomfort and inflammation will only intensify.

What can be done about it?

Firstly, you can teach yourself on the topic. The more you know about the many types of joint pain—and there are many, more than 100—the more seriously you’ll take getting a proper diagnosis and committing to a treatment plan. To start, know that the symptoms you experience could be the common osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis or several other types that can be considered degenerative due to regular wear down or a disease.

Millions of people worldwide are hampered by different types of joint pain and those who alleviate or turn their symptoms around have found a treatment plan to beat arthritis.
But first you need to know if you have arthritis or if you are at risk for it.

The Signs & Risks of Joint Pain

In the end, the symptoms that will lead you to seek out medical attention—stiffness, joint pain and swelling, fatigue and poor range of motion—are what will be used to diagnose your type of joint pain.

What we do know is that there are certain risks that increase the likelihood of developing joint pain, they include;

  • Age – Joint pain is more likely to develop as you age.
  • Genetics – Although we don’t have complete knowledge of the role of genetics in the question of who develops joint pain, but we do know it contributes to it.
  • Weight - Being overweight puts a lot of unnecessary pressure on your joints, enhancing the wear and tear compared to that of someone within the average weight range.
  • Athleticism - Physical activities that are strenuous on the body can factor in to the weakening of joints and later to joint pain.
  • Old Injuries - If you have experienced a major injury particularly in the elbow, knee or wrist, you are more likely to develop joint pain.
  • Illness - If you have had an infection to the joints this can lead to some types of joint pain.

Now that you know which higher risk categories you may fit, let’s talk about how you can beat joint pain!

Beat Joint Pain Naturally

It is such a strong habit to reach for the bottle of pills that will relieve our pain and swelling the fastest. Often that means over the counter painkillers such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen and naproxen. These drugs work relatively fast to provide a relief from your most painful and uncomfortable joint pain symptoms. But, after long-term use, the main problem is that these drugs can cause major problems for you.

Using these drugs too much for your joint pain symptoms can cause ulcers, bleeding and even perforation of the stomach lining. So what some other options for you?

Natural, of course!

Natural supplements are greatly increasing in popularity as people are looking for ways to heal their bodies without making them more sick. You need natural supplements that fight inflammation and relieve pain and systemic enzymes are just what you need. These supplements help with inflammation, boost the immune system and even reduce and eliminate scar tissue.  See what supplement choices we offer at the bottom of the page!

There are natural topical creams that provide pain relief and even foods that help alleviate or reverse your symptoms.

Rest & Relaxation

One thing that everyone suffering from an illness or injury must have is rest. It is how the body heals itself so if you want to overcome your joint pain you need to ensure you’re getting plenty of sleep every night. For most of us this will mean between 6 and 8 hours of sleep each night and take a nap if you feel tired during the day.

If you’re not getting enough rest then you are not providing your body what it needs to heal. Furthermore, stress can wreak havoc on a body that is already not at its best; it binds up muscles and raises blood pressure and heart rate. These things will only worsen your symptoms.

Show your joint pain who’s the boss by meditating, practicing yoga and getting a complete amount of sleep each night. If you are having trouble enjoying rest and relaxation on your own, try massage therapy or aromatherapy to relax your body and nerves and help you rest so you can fully heal.

Food Choices

A good and healthy diet can make all the difference with respect to healing your body. Whether due to injury or illness, food can often be the best medicine. Regarding many types of joint pain, a diet centered around foods that fight inflammation and pain can completely rejuvenate you.

There is more besides the fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices you add to your meal planning that can help fight joint pain, it is also the little details. For example, don’t overeat because we’ve already discussed the role weight plays in joint pain. Additionally, you want to stay away from junk food that includes fried foods, sugar, artificial flavors & colors, refined carbs, alcohol and caffeine.

If you really want to have success in beating joint pain, follow these diet rules;

  • Drink lots of water. There’s no particular amount but if you feel thirsty, drink water.
  • Don’t forget cold water fish like salmon. They are high in omega-3 fatty acids and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Eat a salad a day; the raw fruits and vegetables will help cleanse out the accumulation of acid which will leave your body bacteria-free.
  • If not sure, choose fresh and seasonal produce and herbs.

Physical Exercise

It is a common misunderstanding that joint pain sufferers should avoid activities. Stretching should be at the top of everyone’s list of things to do each day, but especially those with stiff and aching joints. While you do need some exercise, you should not do high impact activities like running and intense aerobics.

You need exercise that will get good, oxygen-rich blood flowing through your body, strengthen you bones and muscles and improve your flexibility.

Exercise overall makes you feel good on the inside and outside, which can contribute greatly to healing. If you are in the market for some joint pain-friendly exercise, consider walking; it is easy, simple and you can do it anywhere while satisfying all the above criteria.

When walking becomes less than interesting, consider these more adventurous but also fully effective exercises that will conquer joint pain:

  • Water Activities - Water exercise isn’t just for old people, but the reason old people like water-based activities is that it allows you to exercise without putting excessive stress on the joints and muscles. If water aerobics is not what you have in mind, 30 to 45 minutes of swimming laps will be just as effective!
  • Yoga - If you have limited flexibility or your joint pain has taken away your flexibility, you can take a beginner yoga class. This will help you be mindful on your breathing, which you can use at night when you need to relax or de-stress. Contrary to popular belief, yoga will also strengthen your muscles, reduce inflammation and as always, increase your flexibility and balance.
  • Pilates - If you want something a bit more intense than yoga but that will also strengthen the muscles that give support to your joints, try Pilates. With focused and regulated breathing you can increase strength and stabilize muscles to stop further joint damage.

Routine workout activities will keep you strong, stable and flexible so don’t assist joint pain by skipping your exercise!

Apply Hot & Cold to Joint Pain

One of the best treatments for joint pain is heat and ice, applied in alternating fashion to aching joints and muscles. This small treatment, in fifteen minute increments, can go far to help you boost mobility and reduce pain.

The key point is to determine what combination of hot and cold works optimally for you. If your joint pain gives you more swollen joints and general inflammation you might learn that you need additional time with cold compresses and less time with hot ones. You should never exceed the recommended 15 minute time limit. If you need additional cold, take a 10 to 15 minute break and then reapply the cold compress.

If you need to loosen up tight joints and muscles in order to increase the flow of blood then you need a hot compress. There are several hot options available ranging from the simple warm shower or damp towel with a heating pad. If you need stronger heat, then consider far infrared heat which offers a heat treatment that penetrates into the muscles.

Always exercise caution and never place hot or cold treatments directly to the skin.
Now that you know, the power and strength to beat joint pain is within you. Will you use this knowledge to fight your pain, swelling and inflammation?

Joint Pain fighting Supplements for You!



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